Colorado State Teachers College bulletin.

Bulletin of the Colorado State Teachers College.

Downloaded from the University of Northern Colorado website


Colorado State Teachers College bulletin.

Library has incomplete holdings Series 16, No. 8 - Series 34, No.4.

Series 34

No. 1 (January 1934) (PDF) - The Nurse in the New World Order [No. 2] (PDF) - Summer School No. 3 (March 1934) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book No. 4 (June 1934) (PDF) - Schedule of Classes for the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters

Series 33

No. 1 (PDF) - Summer Quarter No. 2 (March 1933) (PDF) - Graduate School Announcement No. 3 (May 1933) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book
Supplement (PDF)

Series 32

No. 3 (May 1932) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book

Series 31

No. 1 (April 1931) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book

Series 29

No. 1 (April 1929) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book No. 2 (May 1929) (PDF) - School for Custodians, Janitors and Engineers No. 3 (June 1929) (PDF) - Teachers College High School
Part 2 (PDF), Opportunities for High School Graduates
No. 4 (December 1929) (PDF) - Psychology Courses
No. 5 (August 1929) (PDF) - Sources of Income for State Teachers Colleges and State Normal Schools No. 6 (September 1929) (PDF) - Mountain Classes in Natural Science No. 7 (October 1929) (PDF) - Art by Special Instructors No. 8 (November 1929) (PDF) - Short Course for Custodians, Janitors and Engineers
No. 9 (December 1929) (PDF) - Summer School in Nursing Education No. 10 (January 1930) (PDF) - Student Outdoor Life No. 11 (February 1930) (PDF) - Summer Quarter

Series 28

No. 2 (May 1928) (PDF) - Courses and Special Features in the Department of Education No. 3 (June 1928) (PDF) - Freshman Enrollment No. 4 (July 1928) (PDF) - Salaries in State Teacher Training Institutions
No. 5 (August 1928) (PDF) - Teachers College High School No. 6 (September 1928) (PDF) - The Graduate School Rules and Regulations No. 7 (October 1928) (PDF) - The Junior College Movement

Series 27

No. 1 (April 1927) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book No. 2 (PDF) - Freshman Enrollment No. 3 (June 1927) (PDF) - The Graduate School Rules and Regulations No. 4 (July 1927) (PDF) - Course of Study in Health Education
No. 5 (August 1927) (PDF) - High School Opportunities in Colorado No. 6 (PDF) - Advanced Course in Nursing Education No. 7 (October 1927) (PDF) - Conservatory of Music No. 7 (March 1928) (PDF) - School for Custodians, Janitors and Engineers
No. 8 (November 1927) (PDF) Industrial Arts No. 11 (PDF) - Summer Quarter No. 11 (PDF) - Teachers College High School

Series 26

No. 1 (April 1926) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book No. 2 (PDF) - Freshman Enrollment No. 3 (PDF) - Modern Plays

No. 6 (PDF) - Advanced Course in Nursing Education No. 7 (PDF) - School for Custodians, Janitors and Engineers
No. 9 (PDF) - Conference and Credit Courses in County and Rural School Problems No. 10 (PDF) - Courses and Special Features in the Department of Education No. 11 (PDF) - Summer Quarter No. 12 (PDF) - Teachers College High School, Junior High School/Senior High School

Series 25

[No. 1] (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book [No. 2] (PDF) - Annual Contest in Commercial Subjects for High Schools [No. 3] (PDF) - Report of the School Survey and Educational Program for Fort Lupton, Colorado No. 4 (PDF) - Bulletin for School Janitors and Engineers
No. 5 (PDF) - Courses and Special Features in the Department of Education [No. 6] (PDF) - The Social and Economic Background of State Teachers College Students No. 7 (PDF) - College Life No. 8 (PDF) - How to Study Nature
No. 9 (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement, Summer Quarter 1926 No. 10 (January 1926) (PDF) - Hand Book of the Extension Department No. 11 (PDF) - Summer Quarter No. 12 (PDF) - School for Coaches Close to the Mountains

Series 24

No. 1 (April 1924) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book No. 2 (May 1924) (PDF) - Hand Book of the Extension Service No. 3 (June 1924) (PDF) - Myths and Legends of Colorado No. 4 (PDF) - The Ungraded School for Adults
[No. 5] (PDF) - Methods of Reporting the College Teacher's Load and Administrative Efficiency No. 6 (September 1924) (PDF) - Hand Book of the Extension Division
No. 8 (PDF) - Summer Quarter 1925 Preliminary Announcement
No. 9 (PDF) - Courses and Special Features in the Department of Education No. 10 (PDF) - Summer Quarter
No. 12 (March 1925) (PDF) - Teachers College High School and Undgraded School for Adults

Series 23

No. 1 (April 1923) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book No. 2 (May 1923) (PDF) - Alumni Register No. 3 (June 1923) (PDF) - Special Courses in Administration and Supervision No. 4 (July 1923) (PDF) - Conservatory of Music
[No. 5] (PDF) - Standards for Determining the Collegiate Rank of Subjects [No. 6] (PDF) - An Introduction to the Social Sciences [No. 7] (PDF) - Co-Operative Testing and Measurement Program in the Schools of Weld County
No. 9 (PDF) - Teaching as a Profession for Men [No. 10] (PDF) - Summer Quarter
No. 12 (March 1924) (PDF) - Teachers College High School

Series 22

No. 1 (April 1922) (PDF) - State High School of Industrial Arts No. 2 (May 1922) (PDF) - Catalog and Year Book
No. 4 (July 1922) (PDF) - Hand Book of the Extension Service
No. 5 (August 1922) (PDF) - Supplementary Reading List for High School English

No. 8 (November 1922) (PDF) - Course of Study of the Elementary Training School

No. 10 (January 1923) (PDF) - Summer Quarter No. 11 (PDF) - Program of Courses for the Summer Quarter No. 12 (March 1923) (PDF) - State High School of Industrial Arts

Series 21

No. 1 (April 1921) (PDF) - State High School of Industrial Arts
No. 3 (June 1921) (PDF) - The Training School No. 4 (July 1921) (PDF) - High School Extension Courses
No. 5 (August 1921) (PDF) - The Course of Study No. 6 (September 1921) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 7 (October 1921) (PDF) - Course of Study of the Elementary Training School No. 8 (November 1921) (PDF) - Summer Quarter
No. 9-12 (March 1922) (PDF) - The Summer Quarter

Series 20

No. 1 (April 1920) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 2 (May 1920) (PDF) - Preliminary Fall Announcements No. 3 (June 1920) (PDF) - Educational Tests and Measurements No. 4 (July 1920) (PDF) - A Comparative Study of Three Diagnostic Arithmetic Tests
No. 5 (August 1920) (PDF) - Alumni Register No. 6 (August 1920) (PDF) - Sections One and Two of the Educational Survey of Colorado State Teachers College No. 7 (October 1920) (PDF) - Hand Book of the Extension Service No. 8 (November 1920) (PDF) - Announcement of Extension Courses in Denver
No. 9 (December 1920) (PDF) - Sections Three, Four, and Five of the Educational Survey of Colorado State Teachers College No. 10 (January 1921) (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement of the Summer Quarter, 1921 No. 11 (February 1921) (PDF) - The Summer Quarter

Series 18

No. 1 (April 1918) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 2 (May 1918) (PDF) - An Outline of the Future of Child Welfare No. 3 (June 1918) (PDF) - A Conscious Program and An Appendix of Some Interest No. 4 (July 1918) (PDF) - S.A.T.C: A Military Suggestion with a Man's Program
No. 5 (August 1918) (PDF) - Revised Special Program for the Students' Army Training Corps No. 6 (September 1918) (PDF) - The Farm and the School No. 7 (October 1918) (PDF) - A Study in Spelling No. 8 (November 1918) (PDF) - A Venture That Won: The Week-End Vacation
No. 9 (December 1918) (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement of Summer Quarter 1919 No. 10 (January 1919) (PDF) - The Teaching of Civics No. 11 (February 1919) (PDF) - The Summer Quarter
First Supplement (PDF)
Second Supplement (PDF)
No. 12 (March 1919) (PDF) - A Study in the Mechanics of Reading

Series 17

No. 1 (April 1917) (PDF) - Year Book & Catalog No. 2 (May 1917) (PDF) - High School Extension Courses No. 3 (June 1917) (PDF) - State High School of Industrial Arts No. 4 (July 1917) (PDF) - School of Music
No. 5 (August 1917) (PDF) - A Self-Survey of The Sterling Public Schools No. 6 (September 1917) (PDF) - Bible Study for College Credit No. 7 (October 1917) (PDF) - Common Errors in English No. 8 (November 1917) (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement of Your Summer School
No. 9 (December 1917) (PDF) - Two Community Entertainments No. 10 (January 1918) (PDF) - Special Normal Courses in Public School Subjects No. 11 (February 1918) (PDF) - The Summer Quarter
Supplement to No. 11 (PDF)
No. 12 (March 1918) (PDF) - The Development of the American Teachers College

Series 16

No. 8 (February 1917) (PDF) - A School of Reviews No. 9 (February 1917) (PDF) - Hand Book of the Extension Department No. 10 (March 1917) (PDF) - Summer Term No. 11 (March 1917) (PDF) - Community Cooperation Plan
No. 12 (March 1917) (PDF) - The Summer Term

Bulletin of the Colorado State Teachers College.

Library has incomplete holdings Series 11, No. 2 - Series 16, No. 7.

Series 16

No. 1 (March 1916) (PDF) - The Summer Term No. 2 (February 1916) (PDF) - Second Summer Term Bulletin No. 3 (May 1916) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 4 (May 1916) (PDF) - State High School of Industrial Arts

No. 6 (PDF) - A Study in Addition No. 7 (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement, the Summer Term 1917

Series 15

No. 1 (May 1915) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 2 (April 1915) (PDF) - High Scool [sic] Department No. 3 (May 1915) (PDF) - The Graduate College No. 4 (May 1915) (PDF) - The Elementary Scool [sic]
No. 5 (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement, Summer Term, 1916

Series 14

No. 1 (June 1914) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 2 (July 1914) (PDF) - A Bulletin of Information Concerning the Care of Women Students No. 3 (November 1914) (PDF) - Directory of Government, Management and Conduct of the Institution No. 4 (November 1914) (PDF) - A Bulletin of Information Concerning Non-Resident Courses
Part 2 (PDF)
No. 5 (December 1914) (PDF) Preliminary Bulletin, the Summer Term No. 6 (April 1915) (PDF) - Summer Term No. 7 (March 1915) (PDF) - Religious and Moral Education No. 8 (April 1915) (PDF) - Bulletin of the Rural Scool [sic] Department and Teachers College Preparatory Department

Series 13

No. 1 (June 1913) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 2 (November 1913) (PDF) - Preliminary Summer Scool [sic] Bulletin for 1914 No. 3 (January 1914) (PDF) - Bureau of Recommendations No. 4 (April 1914) (PDF) - Summer Term
No. 5 (March 1914) (PDF) - Bulletin of Graduate Work No. 6 (April 1914) (PDF) - Bulletin of the Rural Scool [sic] Department and Teachers College Preparatory Department [No. 7] (PDF) - Program and Courses of Study of the Summer Term

Series 12

No. 1 (June 1912) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog No. 2 (June 1912) (PDF) - The High School of the Training Department No. 3 (November 1912) (PDF) - Preliminary Summer School Bulletin for 1913 No. 4 (January 1913) (PDF) - Report to the Legislative Committee and Legislature
No. 5 (January 1913) (PDF) - Non-Resident Bulletin No. 6 (January 1913) (PDF) - Second Preliminary Summer School Bulletin for 1913 No. 7 (January 1913) (PDF) - Music Bulletin No. 8 (March 1913) (PDF) - Physical Education Bulletin
No. 9 (February 1913) (PDF) - Art Bulletin No. 10 (March 1913) (PDF) - Domestic Science Bulletin No. 11 (April 1913) (PDF) - Summer Term No. 12 (March 1913) (PDF) - Kindergarten Bulletin
No. 13 (March 1913) (PDF) - Manual Training and Vocational Education Bulletin No. 14 (April 1913) (PDF) - Rural School Bulletin No. 15 (April 1913) (PDF) - Courses for High School Principals and Teachers No. 16 (April 1913) (PDF) - Special Bulletin, Department of Exceptional Children
No. 17 (May 1913) (PDF) - Religious and Moral Education

Series 11

No. 2 (October 1911) (PDF) - The Consolidation of Rural Schools No. 3 (PDF) - Department of Music No. 4 (February 1912) (PDF) - Religious and Moral Education
No. 5 (February 1912) (PDF) - Summer Term No. 6 (March 1912) (PDF) - Summer Term Courses for Rural and Village Teachers No. 7 (April 1912) (PDF) - Department of Physical Education Announcement of Courses No. 8 (April 1912) (PDF) - Courses for High School Principals and Teachers