Colorado. Governor (2011- : Hickenlooper)

Executive Order [A Series]



A 2017-001 (PDF) Mesa County Court Judge A 2017-101 (PDF) Oil and Gas Conservation Commission A 2017-201 (PDF) La Plata County Court Judge
A 2017-002 (PDF) Public Utilities Commission A 2017-102 (PDF) Colorado Water Association Board A 2017-202 (PDF) Colorado Channel Authority Board of Directors A 2017-302 (PDF) Motor Vehicle Dealer Board
A 2017-003 (PDF) Conservation Easement Oversight Commission A 2017-103 (PDF) Supreme Court Nominating Commission A 2017-203 (PDF) Colorado Banking Board

A 2017-104 (PDF) Business Experiential Learning Commission A 2017-204 (PDF) Advisory Committee on Licensing of Child Care Facilities A 2017-304 (PDF) Board of Trustees for the University of Northern Colorado
A 2017-005 (PDF) Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Board of Directors A 2017-105 (PDF) 2nd JD Performance A 2017-205 (PDF) Disability Funding Committee
A 2017-006 (PDF) 22nd JD Judicial Nominating Commission A 2017-106 (PDF) Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund Board A 2017-206 (PDF) Colorado Student Leaders Institute Executive Board A 2017-306 (PDF) Pinnacol Assurance Board of Directors
A 2017-007 (PDF) Water Quality Control Commission A 2017-107 (PDF) Colorado Medical Board A 2017-207 (PDF) Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority A 2017-307 (PDF) Executive Director of the Department of Transportation
A 2017-008 (PDF) Board of Trustees for the University of Northern Colorado A 2017-108 (PDF) Colorado Channel A 2017-208 (PDF) State Board of Social Work Examiners A 2017-308 (PDF) Discovery Project Steering Committee
A 2017-009 (PDF) Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Council A 2017-109 (PDF) Colorado Natural Areas Council A 2017-209 (PDF) Stroke Advisory Board A 2017-309 (PDF) Second Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-010 (PDF) State Board of Pharmacy A 2017-110 (PDF) Colorado Board of Veterans Affairs A 2017-210 (PDF) State Rehabilitation Council A 2017-310 (PDF) Fourth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-011 (PDF) Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority A 2017-111 (PDF) Real Estate Commission A 2017-211 (PDF) Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Council A 2017-311 (PDF) Fifth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-012 (PDF) State Board of Human Services A 2017-112 (PDF) Air Quality Control A 2017-212 (PDF) State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund
A 2017-013 (PDF) Stroke Advisory Board A 2017-113 (PDF) Independent Ethics Commission A 2017-213 (PDF) Charter School Institute Board A 2017-313 (PDF) Twenty-First Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-014 (PDF) State Medical Assistance and Services Advisory Council A 2017-114 (PDF) State Medical Assistance and Services Advisory Council A 2017-214 (PDF) Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education A 2017-314 (PDF) 1st JD Performance Commission
A 2017-015 (PDF) Board of Trustees for Western State Colorado University A 2017-115 (PDF) Mined Land Reclamation Board A 2017-215 (PDF) Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission A 2017-315 (PDF) State Historic Preservation Review Board
A 2017-016 (PDF) Colorado Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities
A 2017-116 [not issued]
A 2017-216 (PDF) Youth Seclusion Working Group A 2017-316 (PDF) Twelfth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-017 (PDF) Colorado Student Leaders Institute Executive Board A 2017-117 (PDF) Private Occupational School Board A 2017-217 (PDF) Task force on the Collection and Security of Digital Images of Child Abuse or Neglect A 2017-317 (PDF) Nineteenth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-018 (PDF) Air Quality Control Commission A 2017-118 (PDF) Advisory Committee on Licensing of Child Care Facilities A 2017-218 (PDF) State Board of Health A 2017-318 (PDF) Twenty-Second Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-019 (PDF) Developmental Disabilities Council A 2017-119 (PDF) State Interagency Coordinating Council A 2017-219 (PDF) Office of Public Guardianship A 2017-319 (PDF) Eighteenth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-020 (PDF) Colorado Scenic and Historic Byways Commission A 2017-120 (PDF) Behavioral Health Transformation Council A 2017-220 (PDF) Parks and Wildlife Commission A 2017-320 (PDF) State Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-021 (PDF) Sickle Cell Anemia Advisory Committee A 2017-121 (PDF) Public Trustee For Arapahoe County A 2017-221 (PDF) Board of Directors of the Auraria Higher Education Center A 2017-321 (PDF) Ninth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-022 (PDF) Council of Advisors on Consumer Credit A 2017-122 (PDF) Mental Health Advisory Board A 2017-222 (PDF) State Board of Optometry A 2017-322 (PDF) Sixteenth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-023 (PDF) Discovery Project Steering Committee A 2017-123 (PDF) Identity Theft and Financial Fraud Board A 2017-223 (PDF) Child Protection Ombudsman A 2017-323 (PDF) Tenth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-024 (PDF) eHealth Commission A 2017-124 (PDF) Juvenile Parole Board A 2017-224 (PDF) Justice Assistance Grant Board A 2017-324 (PDF) Eleventh Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-025 (PDF) State Board of Nursing A 2017-125 (PDF) State Board of Marriage and Family Therapist Examiners A 2017-225 (PDF) Peace Officers Standards and Training Board A 2017-325 (PDF) Seventeenth JD Performance Commission
A 2017-026 (PDF) Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Higher Education A 2017-126 (PDF) State Board of Psychologist Examiners A 2017-226 (PDF) Behavioral Health Transformation Council A 2017-326 (PDF) 6th JD Performance Commission
A 2017-027 (PDF) State Board of Health A 2017-127 (PDF) Develpmental Disabilities Council A 2017-227 (PDF) State Board of Equalization A 2017-327 (PDF) 15th JD Performance Commission
A 2017-028 (PDF) eHealth Commission A 2017-128 (PDF) Broadband Deployment Board A 2017-228 (PDF) Private Activity Bond Allocations A 2017-328 (PDF) State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners
A 2017-029 (PDF) Council of Advisors on Consumer Credit A 2017-129 (PDF) State Board of Land Commissioners A 2017-229 (PDF) Uninsured Employer Board A 2017-329 (PDF) State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
A 2017-030 (PDF) Advisory Committee to the Property Tax Administrator A 2017-130 (PDF) Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board A 2017-230 (PDF) Skilled Worker Outreach Recruitment and Key Training Grant Review Committee A 2017-330 (PDF) 14th JD Performance Commission
A 2017-031 (PDF) Business Experiential Learning Commission A 2017-131 (PDF) Commission on Family Medicine A 2017-231 (PDF) Colorado Advisory Council For Persons with Disabilities A 2017-331 (PDF) 3rd JD Performance Commission
A 2017-032 (PDF) Nurse Physician Advisory Task Force for Colorado Health Care A 2017-132 (PDF) State Board of Veterinary Medicine A 2017-232 (PDF) Board of Landscape Architects A 2017-332 (PDF) Correctional Industries Advisory Committee
A 2017-033 (PDF) ED of the Colorado Department of Higher Ed and the ED of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education A 2017-133 (PDF) Colorado State Board of Chiropractic Examiners A 2017-233 (PDF) Identity Theft and Financial Fraud Board A 2017-333 (PDF) Colorado Commission on Low-Income Energy Assistance
A 2017-034 (PDF) District Court Judge 17th Judicial District A 2017-134 (PDF) Colorado Racing Commission A 2017-234 (PDF) Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging A 2017-334 (PDF) 8th JD Performance Commission
A 2017-035 (PDF) Tony Grampsas Youth Services Board A 2017-135 (PDF) Securities Board A 2017-235 (PDF) Seventh Judicial District Court Judge A 2017-335 (PDF) Seventh Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
A 2017-036 (PDF) State Board of Human Services A 2017-136 (PDF) Passenger Tramway Safety Board A 2017-236 (PDF) State Plumbing Board A 2017-336 (PDF) Board of Mortgage Loan Originators
A 2017-037 (PDF) Food Systems Advisory Council A 2017-137 (PDF) Transportation Commission A 2017-237 (PDF) State Electrical Board A 2017-337 (PDF) Board of Directors of the the Auraria Higher Education Center
A 2017-038 (PDF) Mined Land Reclamation Board A 2017-138 (PDF) State Board of Parole A 2017-238 (PDF) Colorado Humanities Board of Directors A 2017-338 (PDF) 10th JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-039 (PDF) Minority Business Advisory Council A 2017-139 (PDF) State Agricultural Commission A 2017-239 (PDF) Colorado New Energy Improvement District Board A 2017-339 (PDF) Board of Trustees for Western State Colorado University
A 2017-040 (PDF) Wildlife and Habitat Stamp Committee A 2017-140 (PDF) State Board of Nursing A 2017-240 (PDF) Housing and Finance Authority A 2017-340 (PDF) 21st JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-041 (PDF) StudyColorado A 2017-141 (PDF) Delta County Court Judge A 2017-241 (PDF) Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators A 2017-341 (PDF) 20th JD Performance Commission
A 2017-042 (PDF) Colorado Dental Board A 2017-142 (PDF) Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board A 2017-242 (PDF) State Board of Dental Examiners A 2017-342 (PDF) Small Business Advisory Council
A 2017-043 (PDF) Colorado Medical Board A 2017-143 (PDF) Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority Board of Directors A 2017-243 (PDF) Physical Therapy Board A 2017-343 (PDF) Workforce Development Council
A 2017-044 (PDF) Opportunity Scholarship Advisory Board A 2017-144 (PDF) Human Trafficking Council A 2017-244 (PDF) Conservation Easement Oversight Commission A 2017-344 (PDF) eHealth Commission
A 2017-045 (PDF) Stroke Advisory Board A 2017-145 (PDF) State Capitol Building Advisory Committee A 2017-245 (PDF) State Board of Pharmacy A 2017-345 (PDF) 16th JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-046 (PDF) Council of Advisors on Consumer Credit A 2017-146 (PDF) State Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Advisory Council A 2017-246 (PDF) Governor's Education Leadership Council A 2017-346 (PDF) 2nd JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-047 (PDF) Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System A 2017-147 (PDF) Sales and Use Tax Simplification Task Force A 2017-247 (PDF) Colorado Aeronautical Board A 2017-347 (PDF) 2nd JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-048 (PDF) Colorado Energy Research Authority A 2017-148 (PDF) State Board of Licensure for Architects A 2017-248 (PDF) Developmental Disabilities Council A 2017-348 (PDF) 1st JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-049 (PDF) Commission on Higher Education A 2017-149 (PDF) State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners A 2017-249 (PDF) Fire and Police Pension Association Board of Directors A 2017-349 (PDF) Board of Trustees for Adams State University
A 2017-050 (PDF) Board of Ethics A 2017-150 (PDF) Board of Assessment Appeals
A 2017-350 (PDF) Workforce Development Council
A 2017-051 (PDF) Stroke Advisory Board A 2017-151 (PDF) Peace Officers Standards and Training Board A 2017-251 (PDF) Passenger Tramway Safety Board A 2017-351 (PDF) 19th JD Nominating Commission
A 2017-052 (PDF) Jefferson County Court Judge A 2017-152 (PDF) Tony Grampsas Youth Services Board A 2017-252 (PDF) Petroleum Storage Tank Advisory Committee A 2017-352 (PDF) Radiation Advisory Committee
A 2017-053 (PDF) Crowley County Court Judge A 2017-153 (PDF) Colorado Beef Council Authority Board of Directors A 2017-253 (PDF) Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board A 2017-353 (PDF) Commission on Community Service Serve Colorado
A 2017-054 (PDF) HIV Alliance for Prevention, Care and Treatment A 2017-154 (PDF) State Historical Society Board of Directors A 2017-254 (PDF) State Interagency Coordinating Council A 2017-354 (PDF) Colorado Health Services Corps Advisory Council
A 2017-055 (PDF) Economic Development Commission A 2017-155 (PDF) State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners A 2017-255 (PDF) Title Insurance Commission A 2017-355 (PDF) Executive Clemency Advisory Board
A 2017-056 (PDF) Board of Ethics A 2017-156 (PDF) State Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation A 2017-256 (PDF) Colorado Municipal Bond Supervision Advisory Board A 2017-356 (PDF) Colorado Wildlife Habitat Stamp Committee
A 2017-057 (PDF) Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education A 2017-157 (PDF) Wine Industry Development Board A 2017-257 (PDF) Nursing Home Innovations Grant Board A 2017-357 (PDF) Sickle-Cell Anemia Advisory Committee

A 2017-158 (PDF) Business Experiential Learning Commission A 2017-258 (PDF) State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund A 2017-358 (PDF) Supreme Court Hart
A 2017-059 (PDF) Workforce Development Council A 2017-159 (PDF) Coal Mine Board of Examiners A 2017-259 (PDF) 20th JD Salomone A 2017-359 (PDF) Court of Appeals Tow
A 2017-060 (PDF) Podiatry Board
A 2017-260 (PDF) Juvenile Parole Board A 2017-360 (PDF) State Board of Registered Psychotherapists
A 2017-061 (PDF) Civil Rights Commission A 2017-161 (PDF) County Commissioner Las Animas County A 2017-261 (PDF) Colorado Tourism Office Board of Directors A 2017-361 (PDF) State Board of Pharmacy
A 2017-062 (PDF) Fire and Police Pension Association A 2017-162 (PDF) Colorado Lottery Commission A 2017-262 (PDF) Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority A 2017-362 (PDF) State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education
A 2017-063 (PDF) SEMTAC A 2017-163 (PDF) Southern Ute Indian Tribe State of Colorado Environmental Control Commission A 2017-263 (PDF) Governor's Commission on Community Service (Serve Colorado) A 2017-363 (PDF) State Medical Assistance and Services Advisory Council
A 2017-064 (PDF) Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging A 2017-164 (PDF) Las Animas County Commissioner A 2017-264 (PDF) Statewide Independent Living Council A 2017-364 (PDF) Interim Commissioner of the Division of Insurance
A 2017-065 (PDF) Historical Records Advisory Board A 2017-165 (PDF) Colorado Health Benefits Exchange Board of Directors A 2017-265 (PDF) Correctional Industries Advisory Committee
A 2017-066 (PDF) Digital Images of Child Abuse or Neglect A 2017-166 (PDF) Southwest Chief and Front Range Passenger Rail Commission A 2017-266 (PDF) State Electrical Board
A 2017-067 (PDF) Arapahoe County Court Judge A 2017-167 (PDF) Medical Services Board A 2017-267 (PDF) Advisory Committee on Licensing of Child Care Facilities
A 2017-068 (PDF) El Paso County Court Judge A 2017-168 (PDF) Colorado Coroners Standards and Training Board A 2017-268 (PDF) Division of Youth Services Community Board-Western Region
A 2017-069 (PDF) ED of the Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs & Adjutant General A 2017-169 (PDF) Colorado Agricultural Development Authority A 2017-269 (PDF) Division of Youth Services Community Board-Southern Region
A 2017-070 (PDF) Colorado Lottery Commission A 2017-170 (PDF) Board of Trustees for the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind A 2017-270 (PDF) Division of Youth Services Community Board-Northeast Region
A 2017-071 (PDF) Substance Abuse Trend and Response Task Force A 2017-171 (PDF) Fire Service Training and Certification Advisory Board A 2017-271 (PDF) Division of Youth Services Community Board-Central Division
A 2017-072 (PDF) Peace Officers Standards and Training Board A 2017-172 (PDF) 18th Judicial District Court Judge A 2017-272 (PDF) Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging
A 2017-073 (PDF) Housing Board A 2017-173 (PDF) Fourth Judicial District Court Judge A 2017-273 (PDF) State Board of Equalization
A 2017-074 (PDF) Transportation Commission A 2017-174 (PDF) Board of Real Estate Appraisers A 2017-274 (PDF) Colorado Board of Veterans Affairs
A 2017-075 (PDF) Stroke Advisory Board A 2017-175 (PDF) State Board of Optometry A 2017-275 (PDF) Colorado Food Systems Advisory Council
A 2017-076 (PDF) Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging A 2017-176 (PDF) State Medical Assistance and Services Advisory Council A 2017-276 (PDF) Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission
A 2017-077 (PDF) Health Service Corps Advisory Council A 2017-177 (PDF) State Board of Pharmacy A 2017-277 (PDF) 7th JD Ouray Martin
A 2017-078 (PDF) Governmental Accounting A 2017-178 (PDF) Colorado Housing and Finance Authority Board of Directors A 2017-278 (PDF) Colorado State Child Fatality Prevention Review Team
A 2017-079 (PDF) Coroners Standards and Training Board A 2017-179 (PDF) Executive Director of the Department of Revenue A 2017-279 (PDF) County Court Judge For El Paso County Fourth Judicial District
A 2017-080 (PDF) 13th JD Nominating Commission A 2017-180 (PDF) Executive Director of the Department of Regulatory Agencies A 2017-280 (PDF) State Board of Human Services
A 2017-081 (PDF) Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners A 2017-181 (PDF) Colorado Council on Creative Industries A 2017-281 (PDF) Arkansas River Compact Administration
A 2017-082 (PDF) Stock Inspection Commissioners A 2017-182 (PDF) Child Support Commission A 2017-282 (PDF) Public Employees' Retirement Benefit Plans
A 2017-083 (PDF) Human Trafficking A 2017-183 (PDF) Petroleum Storage Tank Advisory Committee A 2017-283 (PDF) 2nd JD Baumann
A 2017-084 (PDF) Hospital Provider Fee A 2017-184 (PDF) State Interagency Coordinating Council A 2017-284 (PDF) Colorado Health Benefits Exchange Board of Directors
A 2017-085 (PDF) Regional Air Quality Council A 2017-185 (PDF) Motor Vehicle Dealer A 2017-285 (PDF) Emergency Medical Practice Advisory Council
A 2017-086 (PDF) Ground Water Commission A 2017-186 (PDF) Minority Business Advisory Council A 2017-286 (PDF) Governor's Commission on Community Service, Serve Colorado
A 2017-087 (PDF) Judicial Discipline A 2017-187 (PDF) Pollution Prevention Advisory Board A 2017-287 (PDF) High-Performance Transportation Enterprise
A 2017-088 (PDF) 14th JD Nominating Commission A 2017-188 (PDF) Financial Services Board A 2017-288 (PDF) Colorado State Fair Authority Board of Commissioners
A 2017-089 (PDF) Human Trafficking Council A 2017-189 (PDF) Colorado Aeronautical Board A 2017-289 (PDF) Motor Vehicle Dealer Board
A 2017-090 (PDF) Opportunity Scholarship Advisory Board A 2017-190 (PDF) Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission

A 2017-091 (PDF) Radiation Advisory Committee A 2017-191 (PDF) Energy Impact Assistance Advisory Committee A 2017-291 (PDF) Nurse Physician Advisory Task Force For Colorado Health Care
A 2017-092 (PDF) Seventeenth Judicial District Court Judge A 2017-192 (PDF) State Innovation Model Advisory Board A 2017-292 (PDF) Colorado Commission on the Aging
A 2017-093 (PDF) Sedgwick County 13th District Court Judge A 2017-193 (PDF) Fire Service Training and Certification Advisory Board A 2017-293 (PDF) Colorado Children's Trust Fund Board
A 2017-094 (PDF) Health Facilities Authority Board A 2017-194 (PDF) Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board A 2017-294 (PDF) Colorado State Child Fatality Prevention Team
A 2017-095 (PDF) Veterans Community Living Centers A 2017-195 (PDF) State Board of Accountancy A 2017-295 (PDF) State Board of Professional Counselor Examiners
A 2017-096 (PDF) Fire Service Training A 2017-196 (PDF) Governor's Education Leadership Council A 2017-296 (PDF) Conservation Easement Oversight Commission
A 2017-097 (PDF) Tourism A 2017-197 (PDF) Statewide Internet Portal Authority A 2017-297 (PDF) State Board of Nursing
A 2017-098 (PDF) Sickle Cell Anemia A 2017-198 (PDF) Higher Education Competitive Research Authority Board of Directors A 2017-298 (PDF) Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
A 2017-099 (PDF) Venture Capital Authority A 2017-199 (PDF) Colorado Medical Board A 2017-299 (PDF) Board of Governors of the CSU System
A 2017-100 (PDF) State Personnel Board A 2017-200 (PDF) Disability Funding Committee A 2017-300 (PDF) Board of Trustees for Colorado Mesa University