State Normal School Bulletin.

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Library has incomplete holdings Series 1, No. 1 (1901) - Series 11, No. 1 (June 1911).

Series 11

No. 1 (June 1911) (PDF) - Year Book and Catalog

Series 10

No. 1 (June 1910) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (June 1910) (PDF) - High School of the Training Department No. 3 (October 1910) (PDF) - A Bulletin of Books for Grade Libraries
No. 5 (PDF) - Agriculture and Nature Study for Rural Schools No. 6 (PDF) - A Study of Municipal Government
No. 8 (January 1911) (PDF) - Report to Holdover Legislative Committee and Legislature
No. 9 (March 1911) (PDF) - Summer School Bulletin No. 10 (March 1911) (PDF) - A Course in History for Elementary Schools No. 11 (PDF) - Announcement of Summer Term Courses for Rural Teachers No. 12 (May 1911) (PDF) - A Call for Young Men as Teachers
No. 13 (PDF) - Summer School Bulletin for High School Teachers and Principals

Series 9

No. 1 (June 1909) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (July 1909) (PDF) - The Normal College Course No. 3 (June 1909) (PDF) - High School of the Training Department No. 4 (August 1909) (PDF) - Bulletin Concerning Rural Schools and Their Consolidation
No. 5 (November 1909) (PDF) - A Bibliography of the Biological Aspects of Education No. 6 (PDF) - Announcement of Summer Term Courses for Rural Teachers No. 7 (PDF) - Announcement of the Summer Term No. 8 (PDF) - Announcement of the Summer Term Courses for High School Teachers
No. 9 (PDF) - Preliminary Announcement of the Fall Term

Series 8

No. 1 (June 1908) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (June 1908) (PDF) - High School of the Training Department No. 3 (November 1908) (PDF) - Training School Bulletin No. 4 (December 1908) (PDF) - Non-Resident and Summer School Bulletin
No. 5 (January 1909) (PDF) - Report to Holdover Legislative Committee and Legislature No. 6 (PDF) - Announcement of the Summer Term

Series 7

No. 1 (June 1907) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (September 1907) (PDF) - English Bulletin No. 3 (October 1907) (PDF) - English Bulletin No. 4 (October 1907) (PDF) - Education is Motorization
No. 5 (November 1907) (PDF) - English Bulletin
No. 7 (February 1908) (PDF) - Kindergarten Bulletin No. 8 (PDF) - Announcement of the Summer Term
No. 9 (May 1908) (PDF) - Museum Bulletin

Series 6

No. 1 (June 1906) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (PDF) - Preliminary Bulletin, Summer Term No. 3 (June 1906) (PDF) - High School Department No. 4 (PDF) - Fall Term
No. 5 (PDF) - Summer Term

Series 5

No. 1 (June 1905) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (PDF) - Summer Term
No. 4 (PDF) - Preliminary Bulletin, Summer Term

Series 4

No. 1 (June 1904) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (January 1905) (PDF) - Library Department No. 3 (February 1905) (PDF) - English Department No. 4 (January 1905) (PDF) - Report of Information
No. 5 (PDF) - Preliminary Bulletin, Summer Term No. 6 (PDF) - Announcements No. 7 (April 1905) (PDF) - History Department

Series 3

No. 1 (June 1903) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (PDF) - Announcements No. 3 (PDF) - Preliminary Bulletin, Summer Term No. 4 (March 1904) (PDF) - Bibliography of School Gardens
No. 5 (May 1904) (PDF) - Summer Term

Series 1

No. 1 (June 1901) (PDF) - Annual Catalog No. 2 (August 1901) (PDF) - New Developments No. 3 (October 1901) (PDF) - English No. 4 (January 1902) (PDF) - The Library
No. 5 (April 1902) (PDF) - Manual Training No. 6 (May 1902) (PDF) - The Training School