Colorado State Publications Library

Bibliographic Records to Download

For questions about the files of bibliographic records contact Virginia Inness ( or call 303-866-6902.

Please contact Samantha Hager ( ) with questions about the digital repository.

For each month, three files of bibliographic records are created. The first file contains all the records cataloged for that month. The second file is a subset of the first and contains records for electronic documents available via the Internet. The third file contains records that had the URL updated during the month.

For a list of some major, non-url changes made to bibliographic records during a month go here . The bibliographic changes Excel files contain the OCLC number, call number, title, type of change, and new call number if appropriate.

Instructions for using MarcEdit to manipulate the files are at the bottom of the page.

Files for records cataloged January 2025
Files for records cataloged December 2024
Files for records cataloged November 2024
Files for records cataloged October 2024
Files for records cataloged September 2024
Files for records cataloged August 2024
File All digital records to July 31, 2024.
Files for records cataloged July 2024
Files for records cataloged June 2024
Files for digital items through November 2024
  • Digitalrecordsto1124.out
  • Instructions for Using MARCedit to manipulate the files.

    Files of records for cataloged items will be placed on the Artemis server at by the 7th day of each month. Any library interested in picking up the records and loading some or all in their systems are free to do so. The most recent 6 months of files will be kept here.

    The files are in the .out format of Millennium data exchange. One set of files includes all items cataloged and another file is a subset of records that have URLs in them.

    To copy the files from Artemis to your computer/system, right click and choose the desired destination. Copying the complete files will make them easier to work with.

    1. Download and install MarcEdit (freeware), available from:

    2. Download desired files from

    3. Change the extension of the .out file to .mrc.

    4. Using MarcEdit, go to the Marc Breaker function.

    5. Open the .mrc file and execute the file. MarcEdit will then create a file with a .mrk extension.

    6. View the file in MarcEdit, making changes as needed for you local catalog (read the MarcEdit documents for hints on doing this). Changes might include: removing 086 fields, removing 9xx fields, adding $z notes to 856 fields, etc.

    7. Using MarcEdit's Mark Maker function, recreate a MARC file from the file you just modified. For example:
    Dec05-Jan06.out = original file name from CDE server
    Dec05-Jan06.mrc = file name changed to .mrc extension. Use Mark Breaker to create the .mrk file

    If you have specific questions about using MarcEdit, please call Samantha Hager at 303-866-6728.