Advanced Guideway System (AGS) feasibility study.
Downloaded from the Colorado Department of Transportation website.
- Cover, Table of Contents, List of Acronyms (PDF)
- Executive Summary (PDF)
- Chapter 1, Project Overview (PDF)
- Chapter 2, Technology Evaluation (PDF)
- Chapter 3, Development of Alignments (PDF)
- Chapter 4, Cost Estimation (PDF)
- Chapter 5, Estimation of Benefits (PDF)
- Chapter 6, Benefit to Cost Analysis (PDF)
- Chapter 7, Funding Financial Analysis (PDF)
- Chapter 8, Stakeholder Involvement (PDF)
- Chapter 9, Conclusions and Recommendations (PDF)
- Appendix A, Final System Performance Operational Criteria (PDF)
- Appendix B, Request for Statements of Technical Information (PDF)
- Appendix C, SOTI Evaluation Guidelines (PDF)
- Appendix D, Capital Cost Estimates for Four Alignment-Technology Pairs (PDF)
- Appendix E-1, High Speed Rail Alignment (PDF)
- Appendix E-2, High Speed Maglev Alignment (PDF)
- Appendix E-3, Hybrid Alignment (PDF)
- Appendix F, Capital Cost Estimation (PDF)
- Appendix G, Operations & Maintenance Cost Estimate Model (PDF)
- Appendix H, AGS Review of ICS Ridership Modeling (PDF)
- Appendix I, Benefit/Cost Worksheets (PDF)
- Appendix J, Request for Statements of Financial Information (SOFI) (PDF)
- Appendix K, Summary of SOFI Responses (PDF)