Statewide summary of performance ratings distribution. Institutions of higher education.

Higher education institutions, distribution of ratings by number and percentage of employees at each rating level.

Higher education, distribution of performance ratings.

Higher education institutions, ratings and performance based pay (PBP) percentages.

Performance ratings for higher education.

Performance pay implementation results. Higher education.

Downloaded from the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration, Division of Human Resources website.


Statewide summary of performance ratings distribution, institutions of higher education.

Library has 2007-

Higher education institutions, distribution of ratings by number and percentage of employees at each rating level.

Library has 2006.

Higher education, distribution of performance ratings.

Library has 2005.

Higher education institutions, ratings and performance based pay (PBP) percentages.

Library has 2004.

Performance ratings for higher education.

Library has 2002/2003.

Performance pay implementation results. Higher education.

Library has 2002.